Get your guide for how to leave the Mormon Church

Get the complete manual for rebuilding after losing faith. Alyssa Grenfell's book is filled with poignant anecdotes and first hand advice from a girl who went from temple ceremonies to tank tops and lattes. In his forward, Dr. John Dehlin said, “This book is an essential companion for those who feel lost, alone, and confused once their Mormon shelf breaks.”

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Apr 20

Call For Stories: Share Your Experience Leaving the Mormon Church

A call for individuals who have lost faith in the Mormon Church to share their stories. By sharing personal experiences, we can create a community of support and understanding. Stories can be from anyone who has experienced doubts and struggles related to their faith.

Share Your Exmormon Story

As an individual who has lost faith in the Mormon Church, I understand how isolating and difficult the experience can be. That's why I'm calling on others to share their stories of how they lost their faith in the church.

By sharing our stories, we can create a sense of community and support for those who are going through a similar experience. We can also raise awareness about the challenges and complexities of leaving the church, and help to dispel myths and stereotypes about individuals who leave.

Your story may include the reasons why you began to question your faith, the doubts and struggles you faced, and the steps you took to ultimately leave the church. It may also include the emotional toll that leaving the church had on you, as well as the positive changes that have occurred in your life since.

I welcome stories from individuals of all backgrounds and experiences. Whether you were raised in the church, converted later in life, or were born into a family of Mormon heritage, I want to hear from you.

Submission Guidelines

To submit your story, simply write it down and send it to me via email. You can choose to remain anonymous if you prefer, and I will never share your story without your explicit permission.

I believe that every story has value, and I look forward to hearing from you. Together, we can create a community of support and understanding for those who have lost their faith in the Mormon Church.

Send the story to me at

By sharing your story, you may help others who are struggling to come to terms with their own loss of faith. You may also find a sense of catharsis and healing in the act of writing down your experiences and sharing them with others.